I installed CCK, the content template module (version: 1.7 , 2006/11/20 00:45:01) and defined some content types. Now, when I click on administer --> content templates I see:

content templates

content type

create template
create template
create template
create template
create template

No content type is displayed. Clicking on 'create template" does not help since the link behind 'create template' is admin/content/templates which is exactly the node that displays:

content templates

content type

create template
create template
create template
create template
create template

Does anybody know a solution for this problem?


VM’s picture

I think you are using an inccorect version of Contemplate. The version you should be using with 4.7.4 is contemplate-4.7.x-1.x-dev
$Id: contemplate.module,v 2006/10/19 13:22:53 robertDouglass Exp $

The version you are using looks like the version that will be for Drupal 5

M.B.’s picture

You were right. I just installed the 4.7.x-1.dev - and it works!