Rebuilding your dev environment

Last updated on
27 July 2016

Your development environment will not be automatically updated as changes. Through the course of your feature development, you will run across points at which it makes sense to pull in database or code changes from 'upstream' When you get to one of these points, here's the procedure:

  1. Back up everything that you need off of your development environment. Your code and database will be completely wiped out once this process is complete! You will need to re-apply your changes after.
  2. File an issue to let the infrastructure managers know of your request. Include the URL to your development environment in your request.
  3. Also make mention of it in the #drupal-infrastructure IRC channel. If one of the admins is available, they can make the change for you. Currently, drumm and basic manage dev sites.


There is an issue to make this process much easier: #1182144: Dev site owners cannot create/destroy environments.

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