YAML Configuration files

Last updated on
19 January 2023

Note: Changes to Drupal coding standards are proposed and discussed in issues in the Coding Standards project.


Configuration files use YAML syntax.


The configuration file name is equal to the unique configuration name with .yml extension.

The unique configuration name cannot exceed 250 characters.

Simple configuration

For simple configuration, the unique configuration name must start with the extension name (the machine name of the module, theme, or install profile that owns the configuration).

For example, a module with the machine name mymodule wants to create a simple configuration for storing the module settings, the configuration name may be mymodule.settings, but it may not be my_module.settings.

Extensions can also have multiple configuration files, the use of the name settings is common practice but is not required, mymodule could also create a configuration named mymodule.features, if separating them makes logical sense.

Configuration entities

For configuration entities, the unique configuration name has a prefix, which is equal to (extension).(config_prefix). Here, (extension) is the machine name of the module that defines the config entity, or "core" for core entities; (config_prefix) is defined in the entity annotation, and defaults to the machine name (ID) of the config entity if it has not been overridden by a config_prefix annotation in the entity class. Extension names cannot exceed 50 characters, and config entity config prefixes cannot exceed 32 characters.

The rest of the unique configuration name for a config entity (which is called the suffix in the rest of this section) is limited to 150 characters.

For many configuration entities, the suffix consists solely of the individual machine name of the item. For instance, the unique configuration name for an image style is image.style.(machine_name_of_style), and for a view it is views.view.(machine_name_of_view). In these cases, the machine name of the item cannot exceed 150 characters.

For entity bundles, the unique configuration name for the bundle configuration is (extension).(entity_id).(bundle_config_prefix).(bundle_machine_name), where (extension) is the module that defines the entity (or "core"), (entity_id) is the machine name of the entity this is a bundle of, (bundle_config_prefix) is the config prefix defined in the bundle configuration entity class annotation (defaulting to the config entity ID if not defined), and (bundle_machine_name) is the machine name of that particular bundle. So for example, the unique configuration name for the Book module's "book" content type for nodes is node.type.book, because the config prefix for the NodeType entity is "type", and the node type's machine name in this case is "book". Entity and bundle IDs and config prefixes are limited to 32 characters.

For configuration like field instances and view modes, it's an even more complex structure. For instance, the view mode structure is entity.view_mode.(target_entity_type).(view_mode_machine_name) (example: entity.view_mode.node.teaser), and field instances are field.instance.(target_entity_type).(target_bundle).(field_machine_name) (example: field.instance.node.article.body). In these cases, sensible maximums need to be chosen for each component of the unique configuration name, so that the suffix portion does not exceed 150 characters.


Comments are not typically in config files, but can be made using #.


Use two spaces to indent in config files. In YAML, the white space has semantic meaning to represent nested structures.

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