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Pagedesigner theming

Last updated on
22 November 2022

This documentation needs review. See "Help improve this page" in the sidebar.

Pagedesigner allows users to drag and drop themed elements which use the API provided by the ui_patterns module. The assumption is that custom patterns will provided in the theme, in the patterns/ directory. The pagedesigner_theme provides and example of this, but is not intended to be a fully fledged solution for use out of the box. The ui_patterns documentation provides further information on how to create patterns which can be used with Pagedesigner.

The setup of the patterns can provide content creators with the freedom to build pages using the drag and drop UI, whilst enforcing brand consistency.

Note that if you define a pattern in your theme, then switch to a theme which does not provide that pattern, the ui_patterns module may throw a "plugin not found" error.

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