Testing and Troubleshooting

Last updated on
17 June 2020


Mime Mail comes with a submodule called Mime Mail Example. If you have Mime Mail installed, you can simply enable this submodule at /admin/modules.

The Mime Mail Example module has a form at /admin/config/system/mimemail/mimemail_example which you can use to send email. This form will use the Mailsystem settings and "format" the mail then "send" the mail with whatever plugin you configured there. If you want to test Mime Mail, ensure that you have Mime Mail setup as the "formatter". You can also choose another formatter or another sender to see the difference in the way those other plugins handle an email.

Reporting problems

The Mime Mail Example module also provides an example of how to use Mime Mail's features from a program - for example, how to add attachments. This Example module is also the method you should use to demonstrate a problem if you find a bug with Mime Mail - report your bug in the Mime Mail issue queue with details of what you entered in the Mime Mail Example form, what you expected to receive in your email, and what you actually received.

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