How-to display ConfigPage

Last updated on
22 May 2018

Imagine that you've created ConfigPage to handle site header settings which content editor should be able to change easily (like display logo, choose a menu, show/hide language switcher etc). How should you build your header in this case?

Place block with ConfigPage

You always can make a custom block or use blocks provided by Drupal and in preprocess get a ConfigPage entity with required settings. But, there is another way to do it, use a block "ConfigPages Block" provided by the module. Just go to Block layout page (/admin/structure/block) or panel content page and choose a ConfigPages Block from list.

In block settings, you can select which ConfigPage should be rendered and which view mode will be used for that.

Manage View modes

As you know, View modes are quite helpful in the content management. You are able to change settings, appearance or whatever of displayed fields.

You can easily create, change or update View modes for ConfigPage in the same way as for other entities. Visit the 'View modes' page (/admin/structure/display-modes/view) and create new view mode.

Once view mode was created and enabled it can be configured on the ConfigPage setting page.

You can setup settings, formatters, order of displayed fields.

Thus you can create any amount of View modes and use them in the different places.

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