This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Advice for dynamic node creation and comments (image gallery-type)

I'm trying to port the functionality of an image gallery I had made previously (based largley on phpMyPhotos), into a drupal module.

I'd be generating nodes on-the-fly (is this a good idea?) during browsing image files/dirs on the filesystem abolishing a need to upload.

Is there any Quiz module available?

Is there any Quiz module which offers some basic featuers of online quizzes available now? For "basic features" , I mean that the administrator can create some multiple choice questions and when visitors complete those questions, they may either get a numerical score (just like a regular quiz) or some comments on their choice (like a kind of personality test, or fortune telling). Thanks a ton!

Craigslist style postings

I want to enable Craigslist style postings.

That is, I want anonymous users to be able to create nodes; they will receive an email with a link to confirm the post. The user can also edit or delete the post from links in the email. (other anonymous users will not be able to edit or delete the post).

It's almost like giving users a temporary account for each post; they are automatically authenticated when clicking on the link (which will embed the node id and a random passcode).

What is the best way to build this?


I think I am ready to submit blogroll as a project. Since this is my first module I wanted to get some initial feedback to make sure this is the right course of action and to check that I'm not duplicating anyone's work that I may have missed. I will checkin the following files to the contributors-cvs/modules/blogroll/ directory.

Beta test my latest two modules :)

I'm in the final stages for both the flickr.module and the technorati.module. The former takes photosets and turns them into semi-local pages, as well as adds a few input filters to easily render images hosted on flickr inside nodes. The technorati.module fetches both your link cosmos as well as the outgoing link data and turns it into a local page. It also adds a new item to the _links function, showing individual entry cosmos data.

upload limit module?

I'd like to have a mod that can allow the admin: view the total uploaded ( for all nodes) per user and then be able to set an upload limit for say ...a role. Thus giveing all users in a role an upload limit and then
2.being able to setup say a monthly upload limit and reset this at the end of the month.

Is there something similar out here already...some module I could learn from or modify.
Be glad for any pointers. Thank you.


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