This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

How long would it take me to upgrade user badges module using the updater?

I would like to use the user badges module. Right now it's 4.6 only.

I'm thinking of trying to update it myself. I have some php books.

This is about the extent of my php knowledge:

I have taken example node module from API docs and made a new node type by doing global replaces on the 2 extra fields in the module, and putting in my own 2 types of fields.

If it's just a matter of replacing one type of code with another I can do that.

How do I determine the logged in user when displaying a profile?

I have a custom profile_listing.tpl.php page where I can format what is displayed when a user goes to /user/x. When x is the user's own profile, all is well. However, when x is something other than the user's own uid I need to be able to modify what is shown.

I can see the user$ array, but it contains information with respect to /user/x, not with respect to the user who is attempting to access user/x's profile information.

Is the only way to get that information to interrogate $GLOBALS["user"]->uid?


Automatically fill in details of created user in Auth module


I am creating a custom authentication module.

When a user first logs in using the module a brand new user is created into the Drupal user database table.

My script on the remote site is capable of returning the e-mail address, name, address etc of the user that is logging in.

I would like Drupal to make use of the information that is given by the external site and fill in the details of the new user automatically, so that the user won't have to retype their details on the /user/edit page

Filtering views with search terms


I needed a customised search page, which would allow to search for content matching specific terms - but not necessaraly for all vocabularies. I also wanted to search for content matching all the selected terms (AND) - not any of the selected term (OR) as the search module does.

As the search module is not very modular (all or nothing approach), I decided to write a filter for the views module that matches search terms (by using the search module's tables). I can this way create a view to fit my needs (deciding, for instance, which vocabularies I want to filter on). By exposing all the filters, I have my custom search page.

Open preview in new window with different theme?

Hi there,

Is it possible to open the preview of a node in a new browserwindow, with a different theme. I would like to build a temporarily preview option. It is in important that the theme is not been switched, but only used for this preview. I know i could do something with "theme_node_preview()" function. But i'm a little bit stuck here. I hope somebody can point me out in the right direction.

Thanx in advance,



theming a module

I have made a module but I want the output of my module to appear BEFORE the regular output,,,that is...Id like to control the order of items in $content. Would the easiest way be to override $content and gather all that myself? (icky)


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