Drupal is up and running but how do I ...?

php-mysql problem

Hi folks
when i create a php form using drupal page for entering some data into database , i can insert things into the tables , but i can't retrieve it for displaying or using it as foreign key for entering it into another data. I even can't check out wht error is there as no error fuction or php functions like print_r are working . What is the solution ?

phpFreeChat install challenge

I'm trying to get phpFreeChat working on a 4.6 installation. The install seems to have worked--I'm seeing the phpfreechat settings, and I can add chats to different node types. Access rights have been granted for all roles. But, there's no evidence of a chat on any page. I've looked at the pages with both Safari and Firefox on a Mac.

I assume the problem is with the phpFreeChat 0.9.3 install, but I've gone over the install instructions with a comb, and I'm not doing anything unusual.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

events (meetings): how do I use actions and views with events?

This is a long post... the questions are at the end, I hope you read it all! Thanks!

I want to be able to have an "events page" where there will be two primary types of events: "meetings" and "other events". Instead of "add new comment" link at the bottom, I think I want an "add new event" link. When someone adds an event I think I want the "event", content type event, to be created which should automatically add the event to the event calendar and I think it will then also be added to the upcoming events by default, and I want a "story" added to the "events page", and I want an "agenda page" to be created (that contains the agenda and allows comments until after the time of the event), and I want a "minutes page" to be created (that contains the minutes and allows comments after the time of the event). I want the agenda and minutes pages and comments to only be available to users that are "members". I want a the link in the calendar, and the events page to a "the event page" which will contain the orginal story and the agenda and minutes links.

OK? (Yah, that was really clear *grin* ... Sorry.)

Well, right now I have installed: actions, comment, comment_closer, event, eventrepeat, minutes, og (og_block_visibility, og_calendar, og_roles), page, path, path_access, premium, story, and views modules (along with a bunch of others).

And right now, all I have is an "events page" (http://drupal.happydiaperchanging.com/events) that I created that says it will eventually have event info (and I have already set the right sidebar to display the upcoming events block and the events calendar block), and I have created some content of type "event" for a few meetings (with the start and end times/dates, the location and a short description of the meeting) for example: http://drupal.happydiaperchanging.com/node/4

My PS3 gaming site..


I've been getting my PS3 site ready for a while now.

Thankfully the pages are starting to get indexed...!!!

Anyway the URL is http://www.playstationteam.com

I'm looking for a way to improve the site... maybe add a section for games reviews, with ratings etc.. does anyone know how hard this is to do?

On the news posts I've tried to get 'tell a friend' working as well as 'related posts' but ive had no luck,.

I'd also like to activate the forum but I have no idea how...

Chaning how the "add node" forms look?

Can someone please tell me if its possible to change the layout of the pages that are used to add content, such as the add forum content page? I want to rearrange certain form elements.



Blogs displayed like forum listing?

Before I go delving into the code, what would be the easiest way to present blogs in a list similar to the way forums are listed (without the containers, of course), instead of just a series of teasers? Or should I just go away and look at the forum.module code?


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