
Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Drupal theme for Terrific Micro

This theme provides a theme to load a Terrific Micro frontend in your Drupal 7 setup.


Place terrific into your themes folder, as usual.
Enable and set the theme Terrific as default.
You will see an example front page with two demo blocks, if Terrific could be loaded successfully. You can remove those by editing html.tpl.php.
Replace the folder terrific-micro/frontend with your existing Terrific Micro frontend or use the provided skeleton as a starting point to developer your frontend.

General usage

Note the $nocache variable in the terrific-micro/utils.php. It's recommended to set it to FALSE on production.
The integration of assets is shown into the templates/html.tpl.php file and should be self-explanatory.


This Drupal theme is maintained by Namics AG

Supporting organizations: 

Project information

  • Created by moertle on , updated