
View Access Per Node (vapn) is a very simple access control module with
relation to viewing content on a per-node basis, the initial idea is a porting of the D7 module "View Permissions Per Node" but more features/integrations are planned for this project.

This module only deals with viewing nodes, it does not affect other ops (eg. create/update/delete).

There are a lot of access control modules, many of them are compared here

This module only uses hook_node_access so it should play fairly well with other access control modules.


- Enable the module ( as usual,
- Set permissions for users that can use and administer vapn.


- Navigate to admin/config/vapn/vapnconfig and select the content types,
- Create or edit a node with one of the types selected above,
- There will be a new vertical tab named "View Access per node",
- Select the roles that will have view access to this node.


- Roles with the bypass node access permission will not be listed,
- Selecting no roles will skip using this module for access control,
- Selecting even one role will enable this module for access control, and deny
access to any users without one of the selected roles.

Version 3
- It now switched to use entity/field api to handle the permissions
- In previous version, if you don't specify a role in your node, by default it will show it for all users. In version 3, it will now only show it to administrator.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
