Vagrant Chilliing

This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.


VirtualBox Vagrant Chef Drupal install

  1. Download and Install VirtualBox (ensure you are on the latest version 4.0.8+)
  2. Install vagrant
  3. Download a vagrant box:
    vagrant box add base
  4. Download or Clone this project go to the folder and launch the box:
    cd [vagrant project directory];
    vagrant up
  5. Add this line to your /etc/hosts (or windows equivalent): drupal.vbox.local dev-site.vbox.local

That's it, files in "public" are served here : http://drupal.vbox.local/

To connect to the console of you instance:
vagrant ssh

You can add XDEBUG_PROFILE to your GET parameter to generate an xdebug profile, e.g. http://dev-site.vbox.local/?XDEBUG_PROFILE

You can then investigate at http://dev-site.vbox.local/webgrind/

Phpmyadmin is available http://dev-site.vbox.local/phpmyadmin/. User myadmin, Password myadmin

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