
Userpoints is a great module.
We have been using a similar module in Joomla known as alpha userpoints.
It allows us to have choise for moderation of each point action.

We used to set auto approve point for Userlogin, Invite, Vote
and we used to set moderate points for posting content, or specific node requires moderation etc.

Can this feature be added in Userpoints??



hamzahali’s picture

Title: Moderation of Points and auto approval for specifiy nodes and actions » Can we use point moderation for certain node types and points auto approve for certain node types??

Can we use point moderation for certain node types and points auto approve for certain node types.

We used to set auto approve point for Userlogin, Invite, Vote
and we used to set moderate points for posting content, or specific node requires moderation etc.

hamzahali’s picture

Status: Active » Patch (to be ported)

Fixed this.
Change the userpoints_nc.module to below


//$Id: userpoints_nc.module,v 2010/03/02 22:27:46 kbahey Exp $

// Copyright 2005 Khalid Baheyeldin http://2bits.com

define('USERPOINTS_POST',                'userpoints_post_');
define('USERPOINTS_POST_COMMENT',        'userpoints_post_comment');
define('USERPOINTS_MODERATE_COMMENT',    'userpoints_moderate_comment');
//define a variable to trigger the use of the v2bug please read drupal.org/node/183520
define('USERPOINTS_USE_V2BUG',    'userpoints_use_v2bug');

function userpoints_nc_help($path, $arg) {
  switch ($path) {
    case 'admin/settings/userpoints_nc':
      return t('<strong>UP:</strong> Some basic interfaces for userpoints, such as posting nodes, comments, ...etc.');

function userpoints_nc_userpoints($op, $params = array()) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'setting':
      $group = 'node';
      $form[$group] = array(
        '#type'        => 'fieldset',
        '#collapsible' => TRUE,
        '#collapsed'   => TRUE,
        '#title'       => t('!Points for posting nodes', userpoints_translation()),
      $form[$group][USERPOINTS_POST . '_undo_points_on_delete'] = array(
        '#type'          => 'checkbox',
        '#title'         => t('Take away !points on node delete', array_merge(userpoints_translation())),
        '#default_value' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_POST . '_undo_points_on_delete', true),

      $tree = taxonomy_get_tree(userpoints_get_vid());
      $category_options = array();
      $category_options[0] = t('<Uncategorized>');
      if (!empty($tree)) {
        foreach ($tree as $term) {
          $category_options[$term->tid] = str_repeat('--', $term->depth) . $term->name;
      foreach (node_get_types() as $type => $name) {
        $form[$group][USERPOINTS_POST . $type] = array(
          '#type'          => 'textfield',
          '#title'         => t('!Points for posting a !node-name', array_merge(userpoints_translation(), array('!node-name' => $name->name))),
          '#default_value' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_POST . $type, '0'),
          '#size'          => 5,
          '#maxlength'     => 5,
                        $form[$group][USERPOINTS_REF_MOD . $type] = array(
    '#type'          => 'radios',
      '#title'         => t('Moderation'),
      '#default_value' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_REF_MOD . $type, 0),
    '#options'       => array(FALSE => t('No'), TRUE => t('Yes')),
      '#description'   => t('Login points will be assigned to this category. You can modify what categories are available by modifying the <a href="!url">Userpoints taxonomy</a>.', 
        array('!url' => url('admin/content/taxonomy/'. variable_get(USERPOINTS_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_VID, '')))),

        $form[$group][USERPOINTS_POST . $type . '_category'] = array(
          '#type'          => 'select',
          '#title'         => t('Assign !Points for posting a !node-name to category', array_merge(userpoints_translation(), array('!node-name' => $name->name))),
          '#options'       => $category_options,
          '#default_value' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_POST . $type . '_category', 0),
      $group = 'comment';
      $form[$group] = array(
        '#type'        => 'fieldset',
        '#collapsible' => TRUE,
        '#collapsed'   => TRUE,
        '#title'       => t('!Points for posting comments', userpoints_translation()),
      $form[$group][USERPOINTS_POST_COMMENT] = array(
        '#type'          => 'textfield',
        '#title'         => t('!Points for posting a comment', userpoints_translation()),
        '#default_value' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_POST_COMMENT, 0),
        '#size'          => 5,
        '#maxlength'     => 5,

      $form[$group][USERPOINTS_POST_COMMENT . '_category'] = array(
        '#type'          => 'select',
        '#title'         => t('Assign !Points for posting a comment to category', array_merge(userpoints_translation())),
        '#options'       => $category_options,
        '#default_value' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_POST_COMMENT . '_category', 0),

      $form[$group][USERPOINTS_MODERATE_COMMENT] = array(
        '#type'          => 'textfield',
        '#title'         => t('!Points for moderating a comment', userpoints_translation()),
        '#default_value' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_MODERATE_COMMENT, 0),
        '#size'          => 5,
        '#maxlength'     => 5,

      $form[$group][USERPOINTS_MODERATE_COMMENT . '_category'] = array(
        '#type'          => 'select',
        '#title'         => t('Assign !Points for posting a comment to category', array_merge(userpoints_translation())),
        '#options'       => $category_options,
        '#default_value' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_MODERATE_COMMENT . '_category', 0),

      $group = 'v2compatibility';
      $form[$group] = array(
        '#type'        => 'fieldset',
        '#collapsible' => TRUE,
        '#collapsed'   => TRUE,
        '#title'       => t('userpoints_basic events version 2.14 Compatibility', userpoints_translation()),
        '#description' => t('If you have used userpoints_basic prior to version 2.14 you may need to enable this fix.<br />
                             If you have not used userpoints_basic prior to v3 you do NOT need to (nor should) enable this fix. <br />
                             This fix only affects the behavior of how !points are handled when ownership of a node/comment
                             changes. In version 2 data on the original owner was not kept and a static variable was used to 
                             store this information. Unfortunately people have experienced unusual side effects such as
                             !points moving from one owner to a completely random user. All !points accrued with version 3 will
                             not exhibit this behavior thus this fix is unnecessary. 
                             Only check this box under the following conditions <br />
                             1) You have existing !points granted by a userpoints version prior to version 3 <br />
                             2) If ownership changes on a node/comment you want points to follow ownership <br />
                             <i>All !points accrued by version 3 will move ownership automatically this setting only affects !points accrued with v2</i>
                             <br />
                             3) You have read <a href="http://drupal.org/node/183520">Article 183520</a> on drupal.org and 
                                understand that there could be unusual issues with ownership moves', userpoints_translation()),
      $form[$group][USERPOINTS_USE_V2BUG] = array(
        '#type'          => 'checkbox',
        '#title'         => t('I agree to the above description and want to use the V2 bug fix'),
        '#default_value' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_USE_V2BUG, false),

      return $form;
function userpoints_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $teaser, $page) {
  //static up_orig_uid please read drupal.org/node/183520 
  static $up_orig_uid;
  $points = variable_get(USERPOINTS_POST . $node->type, 0);
  $tid = variable_get(USERPOINTS_POST . $node->type . '_category', 0);
    $moderatex = variable_get(USERPOINTS_REF_MOD . $node->type, 0);
  switch ($op) {
    case 'insert':
      $params = array(
        'points' => $points,
        'tid' => $tid,
        'uid' => $node->uid,
        'operation' => 'insert',
        'entity_id' => $node->nid,
        'entity_type' => 'node',
        'moderate' => $moderatex
    case 'delete':
      if (variable_get(USERPOINTS_POST . '_undo_points_on_delete', true)) {
        $points = -$points;
        $params = array(
          'points' => $points,
          'tid' => $tid,
          'uid' => $node->uid,
          'operation' => 'operation',
          'entity_id' => $node->nid,
          'entity_type' => 'node',
    case 'prepare':
      $up_orig_uid = $node->uid;
    case 'update':
      //Find the last points granted on this node inserts and ownership gains
      $sql = "SELECT points, uid 
              FROM {userpoints_txn} 
              WHERE entity_id = %d AND entity_type = '%s' 
              AND (operation = '%s' OR operation ='%s')
              ORDER BY time_stamp DESC
              LIMIT 1
      $last_owner = db_fetch_object(db_query($sql, $node->nid, 'node', 'insert', 'Ownership gain'));
      //Check the UID of the original to this user, if different add/substract points
      if ($node->uid != $last_owner->uid && is_numeric($last_owner->uid) ) {
        //Check to see if this user has already lost the points for
        // Add to the new node owner
        $params = array(
          'points' => $points,
          'tid' => $tid,
          'uid' => $node->uid,
          'operation' => 'Ownership gain',
          'entity_id' => $node->nid,
          'entity_type' => 'node'
        // subtract from the original node owner
        $params = array(
          'points' => -$points,
          'tid' => $tid,
          'uid' => $up_orig_uid,
          'operation' => 'Ownership loss',
          'entity_id' => $node->nid,
          'entity_type' => 'node'
      else {
        //We failed to pull a matching operation via the DB
        //If the user wants to use the V2BUG we'll use it..
        //please read drupal.org/node/183520
        if (variable_get(USERPOINTS_USE_V2BUG, false)) {
          if ($node->uid != $up_orig_uid) {
            // Add to the new node owner
            $params = array(
              'points' => $points,
              'tid' => $tid,
              'uid' => $node->uid,
              'operation' => 'Ownership gain',
              'entity_id' => $node->nid,
              'entity_type' => 'node'
            // subtract from the original node owner
            $params = array(
              'points' => -$points,
              'tid' => $tid,
              'uid' => $up_orig_uid,
              'operation' => 'Ownership loss',
              'entity_id' => $node->nid,
              'entity_type' => 'node'

function userpoints_comment($comment, $op) {
  global $user;
  //static up_orig_uid, please read this thread http://drupal.org/node/183520
  static $up_orig_com_uid;

  $points = variable_get(USERPOINTS_POST_COMMENT, 0);
  $tid = variable_get(USERPOINTS_POST_COMMENT . '_category', 0);
  switch ($op) {
    case 'insert':
      $params = array(
        'points' => $points,
        'tid' => $tid,
        'uid' => $user->uid,
        'operation' => 'insert',
        'entity_id' => $comment['cid'],
        'entity_type' => 'comment'
    case 'delete':
      $points = -$points;
      $params = array(
        'points' => $points,
        'tid' => $tid,
        'uid' => $comment->uid,
        'operation' => 'delete',
        'entity_id' => $comment->cid,
        'entity_type' => 'comment'
    case 'moderate':
      $points = variable_get(USERPOINTS_MODERATE_COMMENT, 0);
      $tid = variable_get(USERPOINTS_MODERATE_COMMENT . '_category', 0);
      $params = array(
        'points' => $points,
        'tid' => $tid,
        'uid' => $comment->uid,
        'operation' => 'moderate',
        'entity_id' => $comment->cid,
        'entity_type' => 'comment'
    case 'form':
      $up_orig_com_uid = $comment['uid']['#value'];
    case 'update':
      //Find the last points granted on this node inserts and ownership gains
      $sql = "SELECT points, uid 
              FROM {userpoints_txn} 
              WHERE entity_id = %d AND entity_type = '%s' 
              AND (operation = '%s' OR operation ='%s')
              ORDER BY time_stamp DESC
              LIMIT 1
      $cid = $comment['cid'];
      $new_uid = $comment['uid'];
      $last_owner = db_fetch_object(db_query($sql, $cid, 'comment', 'insert', 'Ownership gain'));

      //Check the UID of the original to this user, if different add/substract points
      if ($new_uid != $last_owner->uid && is_numeric($last_owner->uid) ) {
        //The owner has changed so we're removing from the
        //the original owner and giving to the new owner
        //Give to the original owner
        $points = $last_owner->points;
        $params = array(
          'points' => $points,
          'tid' => $tid,
          'uid' => $new_uid,
          'operation' => 'Ownership gain',
          'entity_id' => $cid,
          'entity_type' => 'comment'

        //Take away from the original owner
        $params = array(
          'points' => -$points,
          'tid' => $tid,
          'uid' => $last_owner->uid,
          'operation' => 'Ownership loss',
          'entity_id' => $cid,
          'entity_type' => 'comment'

      else {
        //We failed to pull a matching operation via the DB
        //If the user wants to use the V2BUG we'll use it..
        //please read drupal.org/node/183520
        if (variable_get(USERPOINTS_USE_V2BUG, false)) {
          if ($orig_uid != $comment['uid']) {
            $params = array(
              'points' => $points,
              'tid' => $tid,
              'uid' => $new_uid,
              'operation' => 'Ownership gain',
              'entity_id' => $cid,
              'entity_type' => 'comment'

            //Take away from the original owner
            $params = array(
              'points' => -$points,
              'tid' => $tid,
              'uid' => $comment['uid'],
              'operation' => 'Ownership loss',
              'entity_id' => $new_uid,
              'entity_type' => 'comment'

hamzahali’s picture

Status: Patch (to be ported) » Needs review
kbahey’s picture

Status: Needs review » Needs work

Please DO NOT paste lengthy code in the body of the issue.

Attach it as a .txt file is you want to.

The best way is still patch formats, this will get things reviewed faster.

hamzahali’s picture

Status: Needs work » Patch (to be ported)

Shifted to Userpoints Nodes and comments. Patch Ready
See http://drupal.org/node/760054

kbahey’s picture

Project: User Points » User points Nodes and Comments
Component: Code: userpoints_basic » Code
Status: Patch (to be ported) » Needs work

In the future, do not open an new issue. You can change the "Project" field to the new project to move the issue to another project.

Also the patch is not correct.

It deletes the entire file then adds it.

This is because of the UNIX vs. Windows line endings (LF vs. CR/LF).

Please correct this and submit an updated patch here.

hamzahali’s picture

Aws Khalid,
How do I correct that?
I am making patches using linux server.
First I am making changes required and saving it a xyz_new.module and then using the diff function to make a patch. Any problem in this method. Sorry for trouble. Regards Hamzah