Drupal integrated user interface for Drupal Rector to asses what kind of fixes can be automated while upgrading sites. Generates patches available from the UI for custom and contributed projects without changing anything in the projects analysed.

If you plan to use the automated fixes as well, it is easier to use Drupal Rector directly on the command line to apply the automated fixes immediately. In that case this module is not needed at all as the assesment functionality is also directly available in Drupal Rector with the --dry-run option.

While Drupal Rector has very good transformation coverage for deprecated APIs, the results should not be considered complete. Help is welcome at https://drupal.org/project/rector to expand on the coverage.

Upgrade Status is a good companion module to check a lot more deprecated API use (even though patches are not generated there). The two modules can be installed at the same time, but their UI is not yet integrated.

Supporting organizations: 
Original concept and development

Project information
