
tcm is a small helper module to get a component-based workflow also in your theme-layer.

It scans two folders of your theme and registers every found component as a theming function in your theme.


Install the module as usual. Add the following to your hook_theme-implementation:

function mytheme_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {

  $theme_declaration = tcm_register_theme_functions($existing, $type, $theme, $path);

  // Your existing theme-declarations:
  $theme_declaration['mytheme'] = array();

  return $theme_declaration;


The module traverses two subfolders of your theme:

  • components
  • components_local

Your component-folder should at least contain two files:

  • component.json
  • your_template_file.tpl.php

The component.json-file

The component.json-file should include at least a name-property, and if you want to use it from the backend-side, a backend-property:

  "name": "slideshow item",
  "backend": {
    "template": "slideshow-item.tpl.haml",
    "options": {
      "modifier": "flexEmbed--14to9",
    "fixture": {
      "image": {
        "src": ""
    "variants": {
      "modifier": [
  • name the name of the component
  • description the description of the component
  • backend
    • template should containt the filename of your template-file
    • options is a json-object describing the default options for this component
    • fixture: is a json-object describing the fixture-data, which is used, if the component is rendered without data.
    • variants: a json-object describing all possible variants to render on the component’s test-page. (See below)
  • styles / scripts: the module has preliminary support for embedding styles + JS defined in a component

    It’s usually better to use duo.js/ grunt to package your frontend-files together.

    If you want Drupal to be able to add styles and or scripts when using a component, then set the variable tcm_attach_assets to TRUE.


If you want to include a component in one of your template-files, just use

  <?php print component('component-name', array( your-data ) ); ?>

or, if you want to override some options of the component:

  <?php print component('component-name', array( your-options ), array( your-data ) ); ?>

The options get merged with the default-options, defined in the component.json-file.


TCM provides some helper function to generate content. A fixture-function is prefixed with a #and can have one to many arguments. Here’s an example:

"fixture": {
  "image": "@image(400, 300)",
  "text": "@lorem_ipsum(3)"

Available fixture-functions:

  • @image(width, height) Returns an url to a image with size width x height
  • @lorem_ipsum(num_paragraphs, (short|medium|long)) Renders num_paragraphs paragraphs of lorem ipsum.
  • @lorem_ipsum_html(num_paragraphs, (short|medium|long), (decorate:1|0), (links: 1|0) ) Render num_paragraphs as lorem ipsum, optionally with decoration and/or links.

Implement custom fixture function.

You can implement new ficture functions or change exisiting fixture-functiony by implementing the hook_tcm_fixture_functions_alter-hook. Just add new fixture functions to the array.


Variants allow you to test different combinations of data or options. Variants are rendered on the component-test page at admin/components/<component-name>.

Here’s an example of a variant-definition:

"variants": {
  "headline": [
    "lorem ipsum",
    "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.",
    "綧 鬎鯪鯠 厏吪吙 毞泂泀 鄇鄃, 禠 蔝蓶 蛚袲褁 趡趛踠 漊 蟣襋謯 銌鞁鬿 櫱瀯"
  "layoutModifier": [
  "textModifier": [

This will render 3 * 3 * 3 components with all possible combinations of headline, layoutModifierand textModifier.

You can even set more than one data-entry per variation:

"variants": {
  "styles": [
      "headline": "One",
      "layoutModifier": "TestComponent-image--left"
      "headline": "Two",
      "layoutModifier": "TestComponent-image--right"

This will render 2 components on the component-test-page.


You can render a list of all registered components at admin/components. Every component has its own test-page at admin/components/<component-name> where all variants (if any) are rendered. These pages are good candidates for visual regression testing and as a style-guide.

Supporting organizations: 

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