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This module provides a Form API element type for having sortable lists. This is a module for be used by a developer, due to that it doesn't provide any UI itself; you MUST use it in your code.


If you need a form api element that provides any number of sortable lists and you can move elements from one to another and order them; you could use the element type that this module provides.

- Install as you would normally install a contributed drupal module. See: for further information.

For using this module; you need to add an element to your form an use '#type' => 'sortable_lists'; then in #options you provide the options as you'll normally do for select/radios/checkboxes and in #columns you should provide a key=>value array with column keys and names. If you want to provide a #default_value index; this should have this structure:

'#default_value' => array(
  'sortable_lists' => array(
    'value' => '', 
    'column1' => array(
      'key' => 'key',
      'key2' => 'key2',
      // More default selected options.
    'column2' => array(
      'key3' => 'key3',
      'key4' => 'key4',
      // More default selected options.

For detailed information on usage; take a look to the included example module (sortable_lists_example).

This module doesn't need any configuration; you just need to use it from your source code.

- Kevin Porras Zumbado (kporras07) -

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