You can use this module to enable users login and register via social networks: Facebook, Google, LinkedIn and others. It does not require any 3rd party services and therefore does not have any limitations and extra conditions. Unlike many other similar modules it allows user registration and mapping received data into the user profile fields

Quick start guide (for Facebook)

  1. Register your own app on Facebook (it’s just a few clicks). Visit and follow the instructions.
  2. Enable Client OAuth Login and Web OAuth login on the app settings page. All other settings should remain the same.
  3. Put the address in the following format as Redirect URL (do not forget to replace with your real site URL) and save your settings.
  4. You'll obtain two API keys (AppID and App Secret). Copy them.
  5. Go to the module settings and paste AppID and App Secret in the corresponding fields in the Providers section
  6. Press Save button. You now enabled social network login and registration

More information

This module is a social network authorization platform via OAuth protocol. It’s based on an light-weight API to build multiple auth providers. Out of the box Facebook, Google and Linked In are supported. For the next releases Twitter, GitHub, Instagram are planned.

To enable a service you need to create an app at the corresponding OAuth service provider. You’ll obtain AppID and App Secret, which you should paste into the corresponding fields on the module admin page admin – config – people – soauth

The module has a lot of settings and nicely formatted buttons, which can also be themed easily via standard drupal themeing functions.

Development sponsored by PackBud

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