services_api_key_auth 3.0.3

Bug fixes

Reverted changes related to issue #3349163. Please refer to the comments on the issue for further information.

services_api_key_auth 3.0.0-beta1

Bug fixes
New features

Change in the permission model. Instead of relying on a core permission, the module now is based on a module-wide permission "administer services_api_key_auth" which is inherited to the api-key entity.

services_api_key_auth 7.x-1.1

Bug fixes
New features

Please be aware of the following issue before upgrading

The stored user information for acting on an endpoint has changed. Before this release, the Drupal user ID was stored. So a user's username could be changed which still fulfilling the same purpose. Now, usernames are stored instead. So any user with the stored username will be the endpoint actor.

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