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Source code editor
Source Code editor
Show File Changes

This module allows editing the site code for development. The code change is immediate and can be reverted there as well.

I have used js libraries for the code editor.

1. Install libssh2 and dependencies for ssh2_connect.
- sudo apt-get install libssh2-1 php-ssh2 -y
Test :

    php -a
    php > $result = ssh2_connect('localhost');
    php > var_dump($result);
    resource(2) of type (SSH2 Session)

2. FTP Access

Features :
1. Edit source files from /admin/config/sceditor/editor.
2. Edit using FTP if FTP credentials are provided here: /admin/config/sceditor/ftpaccess
3. See modified files.
4. Clear all modifications when done.
Points 3 and 4 work only with git.

One must have FTP access. i.e., a username and password of a user that has FTP access.
3. 1. You can also connect using ssh key authnetication. Put the path to your ssh key in your settings.php file or fill the advanced section in `/admin/config/sceditor/ftpaccess`
3. 2. Settings file config :

        $settings['sceditor.settings']['private_key'] = '/path/to/private/key/file';
        $settings['sceditor.settings']['public_key'] = '/path/to/public/key/file';
        $settings['sceditor.settings']['ssh_secret'] = 'passphrase'; //Leave empty if no passphrase.
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