This is more of a documentation suggestion.

For some its common practice to create a 'contrib' directory in sites/all/modules.
When this sites/all/modules/contrib directory exists Drush automatically downloads modules to that directory
#652318: Look for contrib directory in modules and themes
when using the 'drush dl
' command.

When you use Quickstarts 'drush qc' command to create a brand new Drupal installation it's nice to have the modules automatically download in that 'contrib' directory too instead of sites/all/modules.

To achieve this only a small adjustment to Quickstarts /Desktop/websites/default.make file is needed.
Instead of using:

core = 7.x
api = 2

projects[drupal][type] = core
projects[] = module_filter
projects[] = backup_migrate

to generate a list of modules that should be automatically downloaded to your fresh Drupal install, use this syntax:

core = 7.x
api = 2

projects[drupal][type] = core
projects[backup_migrate][subdir] = contrib
projects[module_filter][subdir] = contrib


silkogelman’s picture

maybe its easier to just point people to

It describes the above 'feature' and some other tips, for example how to download a specific module version.

MichaelCole’s picture

Great idea! Thanks for the input!