An alternative to Wordfilter and Phonetic Word Filter, this module provides...

  • Filters any Entity!
  • The ability to create multiple word lists.
  • Features exportable.
  • An input format filter for either replacing matched words with a repeated character or phrase.
  • Super quick no regex processing (for simple matching).
  • A function to use for custom form item validation/detection.
  • Tokens for title/label properties per Entity allowing you to specify which lists to process with.
  • A rule condition for "Text contains profanity" so you can do clever things when bad words are detected (add to moderation queue).
  • Ability to filter Entity titles before view/render.
  • A view field for each Entity title, profanity filtered.
  • Validation to prevent users registering with a username containing profanity.
  • Works with Search API by providing a filtered entity title property to be indexed.
  • Integration with Search API Views to provide a field for profanity filtered Excerpt.

This work started from requirements for the Cancer Research UK Cancer Chat forum in association with the Harmony Forum project.

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