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Node import module which enables import from a CSV file into (user created) profiles of mapped node/ CCK fields and taxonomy terms.

This module is used in production sites but has not been tested for release, so the usual precautions apply - backup your stuff and test thoroughly before use. All bug reports welcome especially when accompanied by a patch! All feature requests welcome when accompanied by a patch ;-)

What does this module do that Migrate or Feeds don't? At the time of first development in Sept 2009 importing nodes with multiple cells concatenated as a unique ID was not available in other modules as far as we could determine.

It is ready for use but not well documented - make sure you read the README.txt.


  • Unique ID can be assembled by concatenating cell values in the CSV to allow creating new revisions of existing nodes with updated content.
  • Supported fields: Title, Body, Language, CCK fields (including multi-value), Taxonomy, User reference.
  • User controlled mapping of CSV Heading to Drupal fields via CSV profile manage screen.
  • Wizard to generate CSV profiles from existing CSV.
  • Import and export of CSV profiles
  • Import and export of CSV files via Batch API
  • Supports UTF-8 and Windows-1252 (Excel 2003- compatible) CSV files.
  • Options to create translations in sets by mapping translations source nid
  • CSV Export Action is included. Useful for integration with other modules e.g. Views Bulk Operations
Check Filefield compatibility
Improve error reporting
Provide more options for behaviour on import (node save or not).
Test thoroughly for release.
Perhaps add further enhancements:
  • Add import tests
  • Add simpletests
  • Use AHAH on the profile management form for adding new headings

This module is sponsored by Red Bee Media.

Project information
