
Link Drupal and Patreon using the official PHP library.

The API allows Patreon Creators to pull data about user accounts, patrons, and campaigns from Patreon and make it available for use in a Drupal environment.


  • Link your Drupal site to your Creator account on the Patreon website.
  • Interacts with the Patreon API to make data about user accounts, patrons and campaigns available to Drupal code.
  • Includes helper functionality to pull specific values from the obtained results.
  • includes helper functions to allow developers to create their own functionality to authorise user accounts and use Patreon data.
  • The Patreon User sub-module can be used to allow users to log into a Drupal site with their Patreon accounts, creating a duplicate account on the Drupal site.


The Patreon API library has a dependency on composer, which means that this module must also be installed using composer.

A client key and secret must be obtained by registering at https://www.patreon.com/platform/documentation/clients. The modules' endpoints (/patreon/oauth and /patreon_user/oauth if using the Patreon User module) must be registered as allowed redirect destinations in the client application.

Current Maintainer

Dale Smith (MrDaleSmith)

As I don't currently use Patreon or have any Patrons, I am limited in the testing that I can do on this module. Because of this, I am looking for a co-maintainer with more day-to-day contact with Patreon who can test that it all works in real life.

Project information
