Paragraphs Entity Embed provides a way to embed parapraphs in any rich-text field using the WYSIWYG editor. Use this module in conjunction with Views Entity Embed to greatly enhance the editor experience in Drupal with little effort.


  • Drupal >= 9.3 || 10
  • Embed
  • Entity Embed
  • Paragraphs


  1. Download and enable the module.You can also do 'composer require drupal/paragraphs_entity_embed'
  2. Enable the filter 'Display embedded paragraphs' for the desired text formats from admin/config/content/formats.
  3. In the same formats configuration page enable the WYSIWYG plugin by moving the Paragraphs button into the Active toolbar for the desired text formats.
  4. On any text field using WYSIWYG editor click the Paragraphs Embed Button and follow the steps.
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