OpenID Connect REST (OpenID Connect + Simple OAuth)

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OpenID Connect REST module provides a REST API for the OpenID Connect module and provides an authorization token using the Simple OAuth module.


Note : This module overrides the OpenID Connect module. The callback URL for the identity provider has to send back to a new route provided by the OpenID Connect REST module.

Please read accurately the tutorial to use this module properly.

Use case

Let's assume you have multiple front-ends (webapp, mobile apps) using a common Drupal back-end. Your other front-ends use Simple OAuth to authenticate users against your Drupal back-end.

The Drupal back-end provides an authentication using OpenID Connect using third party identity providers. But you want to enable authentication from other front-ends with those third party identity providers.

Use the OpenID Connect REST module to get the third party identity providers endpoints. Then, on your front-ends, open a new window loading this endpoint (the user authenticates himself). The provider redirects the user to your Drupal backend. Using JS,
Intercept the authorization codes. Then, make an HTTP request your Drupal backend with theses codes to get your OAuth token. Finally, authenticate the user against your Drupal back-end with this OAuth token.



Permissions :

The module adds a new permission section entitled OpenID Connect REST API with three new user rights :

  • Administer OpenID Connect REST : Allows access to new tabs on the OpenID Connect configuration page.
  • Provides an api endpoint to provider ids : Allows access to an API endpoint returning the provider ids (facebook, google, generic, ...)
  • Provides an api endpoint to a provider authorization endpoint : Allows access to an API endpoint which provides an identity provider URL according to an identity provider id.

REST API Routes :

Available new REST routes are :

  • GET /openid-connect/rest/provider-ids : Returns the OpenID Connect identity providers identifiers list.
  • GET /openid-connect/rest/authorization-endpoint/{provider_id} : {provider_id} is an OpenID Connect identity provider identifier. Returns an OpenID Connect identity provider target URL.
  • POST /openid-connect/rest/oauth/token/{provider_id} : {provider_id} is an OpenID Connect identity provider identifier. Returns an OAuth authorization token.

Identity provider callback :

Configure your third party identity provider with this URL :

  • GET /openid-connect/rest/{provider_id} : {provider_id} is an OpenID Connect identity provider identifier. Authenticates the user locally according to a third party authorization code.

Administration :

The module provides two new tabs on the OpenID Connect configuration page :

  • State Tokens (for REST API) : Shows the stored OpenID Connect state tokens used by OpenID Connect REST to validate any request originating from an identity provider callback URL call.
  • Authorization Mappings (for REST API) : Shows the stored authorization mappings used by OpenID Connect REST to validate any request from a front-end app towards OpenID Connect REST OAuth API.


To use this module :

  1. Install and configure :
    1. Install and configure Simple OAuth.
    2. Install and configure OpenID Connect.
    3. Install OpenID Connect REST like any D8 module.
    4. Let's assume you have configured the Generic OpenID connect identity provider with the OpenID Connect identifier generic...
    5. Provide the OpenID Connect REST callback URI GET /openid-connect/rest/generic to your identity provider.
  2. First let the user authenticate himself on the Drupal back-end from one of your alternate front-ends using the OpenID Connect REST API :
    1. Request GET /openid-connect/rest/provider-ids to get the provider ids. In this case you should get a JSON response like this one :
        "generic": "Log in with Generic"
    2. Use the identity provider id (generic) to get the identity provider target URL : GET /openid-connect/rest/authorization-endpoint/generic. You should get a JSON response like this one :
        "target_url": "https://my-identity-provider.tld/api/?client_id=44b9d345eger4ze4ffzdf4324fz3df34e07bb417045fgs54g45s1fc688d665&response_type=code&scope=openid%20email%20profile&redirect_uri=http://my-drupal-back-end.tld/openid-connect/rest/generic&state=tPpcXqzZVFsuUjg-LJEtdNTUiza0BUIEHSeyJZZvAr8&nonce=fa1d280df3ff0be8ff087fa202d348c7",
        "components": {
          "base_url": "https://my-identity-provider.tld/api",
          "parameters": {
          "client_id": "44b9d345eger4ze4ffzdf4324fz3df34e07bb417045fgs54g45s1fc688d665",
          "response_type": "code",
          "scope": "openid email profile",
          "redirect_uri": "http://my-drupal-back-end.tld/openid-connect/rest/generic",
          "state": "tPpcXqzZVFsuUjg-LJEtdNTUiza0BUIEHSeyJZZvAr8", // Drupal back-end security token
          "nonce": "fa1d280df3ff0be8ff087fa202d348c7"
    3. Open a new window on your front-end and Request the target_url.
    4. The user proceeds with his authentication on the identity provider website...
    5. The new window gets a redirect response from the identity provider to the OpenID Connect REST callback URI with two params : code and state. For instance :

      (state is the Drupal back-end security token)

    6. The user gets authenticated on the Drupal back-end.
  3. Then, authenticate the user on your alternalte front-end using the OpenID Connect REST API :
    1. In the new window intercept with some neat JS code the code and state values
    2. Keep these values, the new window isn't needed anymore. You can close it.
    3. You need your Simple OAuth client_id and secret_id.
    4. Now, request the OpenID Connect REST API POST /openid-connect/rest/oauth/token/generic with in its body the code, state, client_id and client_secret values.
    5. You should get exactly the same JSON authentication response you would get from a request to Simple OAuth (with the OAuth token, expiration date, ...)
    6. Proceed with a Simple OAuth identification using the Simple OAuth token.

Known issues

- No reports yet.


  • Check out README.txt
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