This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.


The hard-working Monkey module provides currently two little Drush commands to
check and fix fields with default values in node entities.

For example, when you add later a field to a content type and have existing
nodes of this type, the existing nodes get this field entity with it's default
value only on node save into database storage. This behavior can cause problems
for views, etc.

The hard-working monkey does this job for you. You can check and fix existing
fields with this little monkey.


Versions 8.x-1.x: Install as usual, see the official documentation for further information.


drush <monkey-command> <monkey-worktype> <entity-type> <bundle> [--fields=field_machine_name_1,field_machine_name_2] [--fast]
  • drush monkey-check fields node article
  • drush monkey-fix fields node article --fields=field_with_default_value

Drupal 7 only (EXPERIMENTAL):

  • drush monkey-fix fields node article --fields=field_with_default_value --fast

Try on


This module requires no modules outside of Drupal core.
Drush is required to execute drush commands.


For first ALPHA release following issues should be resolved:

  • Add service.

For first BETA release following issues should be resolved:

  • Add tests.


Current maintainers for hard-working Monkey:


If you like the hard-working Monkey module or my work on other modules, you can donate via

Support and help wanted!

File bugs, feature requests and support requests in the issue queue
of this project

Project information

  • Module categories: Developer Tools
  • Created by IT-Cru on , updated
  • shield alertThis project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
    Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
