Create  a message instance.
A lists of message instances.
View a message instance.

This module supplies a UI for the Message module.


  1. You can create a message instance of a message type. This could be useful when working on the site and you want to create a message relate to a node but you need to create every time a new node. Through the UI you can create a message and fill in the fields of the message.
  2. Beside creating a messages instance, you can edit a message instance or delete them. This could come in handy when our site have a Facebook feed look alike on your site and you wish to delete the message entry or edit the fields.
  3. When you have an hard coded arguments on your message entry, editing the fields won't affect their value. When editing the message with hard coded token you can choose to update them automatically or fill in the values you would like to fill in.
  4. Similar to the node, when displaying a message entity a contextual links will be available to the user with links to edit, delete or to see the devel information of the message instance.

You can enable the message example module and see the UI in action.

Developed by RoySegall from Gizra
Drupal 8 port by mccrodp from X-Team

Project information
