This appears to be an API, which is great for programmers. For us newbies, I'd like to suggest some features which would make jQuery plugins available to all, using a jQuery plugins Manager:

  • An admin screen that would automatically list all plugins that have been uploaded to the jQuery plugins folder, by reading through all the .js files.
  • A checkbox that would automatically activate that plugin, by calling the jquery_plugin_add($plugin) function, and injecting the necessary script code into the Drupal page header
  • For each plugins, allow the entering of a code snippet, and if the plugin is enabled, to inject it into the page head. (Disabling the plugin would not display the snippet)

It would be nice if the list of plugins showed the titles, version number, and descriptions from the REM block. This information appears to be always shown on the second line, though some plugins appear to have an optional $Id line. An option to show the entire REM block might be useful, as it sometimes includes a link to the plugin's home page.


mfb’s picture

There's another module that is more in line with what you're talking about: This module supports jQ, so any UI goodies you build on jQ will work with the plugins bundled with this module.

By the way, the goal of this module is not to allow people to upload plugins to a plugins folder, but to maintain a set of jQuery plugins (tested against the version of jQuery in each version of Drupal core) via the infrastructure.

iantresman’s picture

OK, thanks for the clarification.