Created selection rule after adding translation
Link to settings popup for a pane without translation yet
Translation popup
Link to pabel page was used as source for created one (no admin-menu)
Translated panel with all handlers prepopulated
Adding Contextual link to a pane that has translation (no admin-menu)
admin_menu integration (since 0.3 )


This module is maintained by Ukrainian developers.
Please consider supporting Ukraine in a fight for their freedom and safety of Europe.

This project aims to cover a gap in panel page (page manager pages) translation.
There are different approaches like and i18n_panels but they can't be used for translating panels in a way of nodes translation.
Current approach adds ability to have different pages templates and content for different languages with URI translated as well.
This module provides a contextual link for panel page for ability to add clone of the page with prepopulated Selection rules and redirect handler for redirecting from cloned(translated) back to source if language is changed. Source page prepopulated with such handlers as well for redirecting to translated if language changed.

Since version 0.3 there is admin_menu integration for ability to disable contextual links on complex pages when they intended to brake html structure

Module tested only for site with English as default and single additional language.

- add ability to support 2+ languages
- test coverage

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
