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Handy alias module provides easy way to attach aliases to vocabularies, terms and nodes. Further these aliases can be used for building vocabulary structure corresponding paths for taxonomy pages and nodes.

Use case

For example, you have content type «vehicle» and hierarchically vocabulary «vehicle types», which categorizes «vehicle» content type.
Using pathauto module you can easily replace ugly paths like «taxonomy/term/42» with something like «vechiles/car/hatchback» and «node/156» with «vechiles/car/hatchback/toyota-corolla» by using [termpath-raw] token. The only disadvantage of [termpath-raw] is that it uses term names for path building. But what if we want to use something different than term names for pathauto patterns? Usually we have to be satisfied with transliterated lowercased term names. Handy alias module allows you to attach alias for each vocabulary, term, node and use it for path building.

Also you can attach .html pseudo-extension to nodes by enabling this feature in content type settings.

Provided tokens

  • [vocab-handy-alias] — vocabulary alias;
  • [term-handy-alias] — term alias;
  • [term-handy-alias-path] — most useful token: [termpath-raw] analog, but based on aliases instead of term names;
  • [node-handy-alias] — node alias.


  • Token
  • Taxonomy
  • In most cases there is no sense to use it without pathauto


  • Provide breadcrumb support


Handy alias module developed and sponsored by

Project information
