Node preview with UUID in the URL
nodePreviewByUuid() query example

A module to get node previews using GraphQL.

It adds a nodePreviewByUuid() query to GraphQL, to be able to obtain a node preview using entity's UUID.

The expected workflow to make this module work is as following:

  • Edit any node and click on "Preview" button
  • A new tab opens, with a URL like this:
  • Grab the UUID (the "8-4-4-4-12" chars, "e2731f6f-3155-4fe9-9901-7b8c2e3c5b04" in this example)
  • Execute a GraphQL query like this one:
      preview:nodePreviewByUuid(uuid: "e2731f6f-3155-4fe9-9901-7b8c2e3c5b04") {
        ... on NodeArticle {
          body {

Being a preview operation, nodePreviewByUuid() is not cached.

You can use any UUID to query nodePreviewByUuid(). If that UUID has not been previewed, nodePreviewByUuid() works just the same as nodeById() query, retrieving the entity associated with that UUID. Please note that nodePreviewByUuid() is not cached, so do not use it as a substitute of nodeById().


It needs GraphQL module version 3 to work.


Install it and it works. There's no configuration, no UI.

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