Utility module to flush a single image from any image styles it may have generated for it.

This module provides a simple form to which you can provide a source image path (e.g. public://assets/foo/bar/image.jpg) and it will flush any styled image(s) that have been generated.


This module was originally developed to solve an issue where daily imports from a closed third party system would replace image content on occasion but keep the filenames the same resulting in out of date images in the image style cache.

Service Class

See example below on how to use the service class included.

$path = 'public://assets/foo/bar/image.jpg';
$paths = \Drupal::service('flush_single_image')->flush($path);
foreach ($paths as $flushed_path) {
  \Drupal::messenger->addMessage(t('Flushed @path', ['@path' => $flushed_path]));

Drush Command

Image styles can also be flushed on a single image via Drush command. See code example below for usage.

drush flush_single_image public://assets/foo/bar/image.jpg --check-styles

Migrate Plugin

Migrate plugin included in module as well. See below for an example of how to use.

        plugin: file_copy
          - /path/to/file.png
          - public://new/path/to/file.png
       plugin: flush_single_image
       action: 'regenerate'
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