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The files version module provide you functionality to maintain the version of current drupal instance. It iterate recursively and saves drupal files into database and create a new version on current timestamp.

This module require zip extension should be enable. If you will not enable zip extension then module will not able to download your created backup in form of zip. For more details for installation of zip extension please refer

* This modules require libraries module which you can download from below url

* This module require "jsdifflib" library which you can download from and put entire folder into site/all/libraies/ so your folder structure looks like.

  • sites/all/libraries/jsdifflib
  • sites/all/libraries/jsdifflib/difflib.js
  • sites/all/libraries/jsdifflib/diffview.js
  • sites/all/libraries/jsdifflib/diffview.css


  • Install as usual, see for further information.
  • You likely want to disable Toolbar module, since its output clashes with
  • Administration menu.

Configure user permissions in Administration » People » Permissions:
administer files version Users in roles with the "administer files version" permission will see the versions of files.


  1. This module is very helpful for non-technical person if he/she want to track the files version.
  2. You can recover backup easily, from scratch.
  3. You can setup your site from live server to local or local to live server in just few minutes.
  4. Before deploying code to live server you can download code backup from this module without ftp access that will help you to recover from any thing goes wrong in your code while deployment.
  5. You can track your each file without any version controller.

Note: You should not install this module on production site.

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