This project allows you to rename a field in the database and in Views.

How to use

See the project's

Drupal 10

This project will not be ported to symfonic Drupal by its maintainer. If you need this for Drupal 10, the method described by Christoph Burschka@Drupal Answers (StackExchange) is currently the best solution.

For more information about porting, please see this issue: #2682419: Port Field Rename to 8.

Known problems

There are some limitations to what this project will do. These limitations will not affect most uses. We list them here so that those that may be affected know about them.

Table og_role_permission:
This project does not rename the fields that are kept in the og_role_permission.permission. See: #2672454: og_role_permission table for more.
Field groups:
A field is within a field group loses its place in the group on both the 'Manage Fields' and 'Manage Display' pages after renaming. See: #2621654: Support field groups in field ui for more.
A field loses its place in the ordering in Views. See: #2621654: Support field groups in field ui for more.

Project information
