Extra CSS JS
This module provides functionality to add extra css and js to the site. In Multiple deployment environment if you want to execute any js or css directly on site then you should use this module because it does not require to deploy any kind of file.

The saved CSS and JS will remain untill and unless you removed it from module configuration.

By using this module you will get two texarea. One for CSS and one for JS . Css and JS is added via this module will not require to deploy any kind of code because it keeps CSS and Javascript in variables rather then files.


Download module

  • Upload module to sites/all/modules
  • Enable module
  • Flush All of Drupal's Caches

Important Links
Add CSS from here : admin/content/extra-css-js-css-form
Add JS from here : admin/content/extra-css-js-js-form

To make changes to the Extra CSS JS settings, users need the "administer extra css js" permission.

By Default The JS and CSS is added to all the themes, If you want to theme
specific CSS and JS then goto admin/config/content/extra-js-css-themes and add themes name by comma sperated like bartik,gardin etc.

Why you should use this (Extra CSS & JS) module.

  1. Extra CSS & JS module provides functionality to add extra CSS and JavaScript both which you forget or urgently required it on running without deployment any code
  2. This is very light weighted module , Not using any third party libraries
  3. This module have theme specific condition to apply JavaScript and CSS


  • This module adds inline css/js rather then a css or js file.
  • CSS and JS which are added by this module will be on throughout the site

Once you used any kind of CSS and JS by this module then in next deployment It is recommended to sent code of CSS and JS by files and make empty Both EXTRA CSS and JS Text area fields of this module .

That makes the sense.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
