Linkit field
Linkit attributes

This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Adds linkit support for link field in the entity embed dialog.


8.x-1.x only works with linkit 8.x-4.x which is maintenance only.

There is a plan to make this feature work with linkit 8.x-5.x. However, linkit has removed support for link attributes in 8.x-5.x. The link attributes could be provided by Editor Advanced link, but only for Drupal link plugin.


Entity Embed Advanced Link module can be installed via the standard Drupal installation process.


Assuming you have configed embed_entity and linkit profile.

  • Go to admin menu Configuration > Content authoring > Text formats and editors
  • Select a format and click Configure button. E.g. admin/config/content/formats/manage/rich_text
  • Go to Linkit settings in the section of CKEditor plugin settings, select a linkit profile and save

When you use entity embed dialog, you should see the linkit field and linkit attributes you enabled in the last step.

Project information
