Drupal DROWL trademark configuration page

Simply adds a registered trademark sign (®) as <sup> element behind defined words at runtime by JavaScript.

The words to append the trademark to can be defined on the module page as comma-separated list.

BTW (for techies) ;)

This is NOT being done by an input filter intentionally, because words coming from the menu system or other areas without input filtering are also replaced this way. If you have a better server-side solution, please create an issue.

Development proudly sponsored by German Drupal Friends & Companies:

webks: websolutions kept simple (https://www.webks.de)
DROWL: Drupalbasierte Lösungen aus Ostwestfalen-Lippe (OWL), Germany (https://www.drowl.de)

Supporting organizations: 
proudly developed this module for the community!

Project information
