disclaimer sample

This module add a disclaimer to your website with configurable actions (enter, exit).

Features (Drupal 8)

  • Set as the block, so you can configure visibility by roles, page....
  • Text for the content / title of the disclaimer.
  • Define Enter/Exit url and type.
  • Rely on jQuery UI dialog.

Quick start Drupal 8

To add the disclaimer to your website you need to add the block, preferably on the footer of your website from /admin/structure/block (Place block > Disclaimer).

Features (Drupal 7)

  • Text or node for the content and footer of the disclaimer.
  • Define Enter/Exit url and type.
  • Bypass by role.
  • Disclaimer visibility by pages (like block visibility except php validation).
  • Optionnal age verification form.
  • Theming override with tpl file.

Requirements (Drupal 7)

This module need Colorbox 7.x-2.8+.
And a footer region in your template.

Fell free to report issue.

See other module with other type of option and function to set-up a disclaimer :


Drupal 8 version developed by Morpht

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Drupal 8 version
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