
  1. Add the desired dependent fields on your entity type, for example Music genre > song titles
  2. Create a new Entity Reference Source view, the entity type displayed needs to be the children (song titles). Build the view so it accepts the parent argument entity id or uuid and displays the expected results on the view preview.
  3. Edit the children field settings and select the "Make field dependent using views" option on the Reference type.
  4. Select the new view and parent field (in our example music genre). And optionally configure arguments.
  5. 💃Dance 💃

Please note that both widgets (parent and children) need to have the form display configured as "Select list" for this module to work.

Credits and thanks

The Drupal 8/9 version of this module is heavily based on the business rules module and it can be considered a lightweight option for those cases where only the dependent fields feature is wanted.
The Drupal 6 version of this module was created by Radiant Flow and sponsored by Spirit Library

Similar Modules

  • Business rules: Allow site administrators to define conditionally actions execution based on events. It includes a way to do dependent fields.
  • Dependant reference method: Has the same spirit as this module but has been untouched for a while and doesn't have a D9 version.
Supporting organizations: 
Support and development
Support and development

Project information
