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Splits each styleheet group into its own template variable.

Whereas normally you can only use $styles in your theme, this module makes available $styles_system, $styles_default and $styles_theme as well. This is mainly useful if your theme must use hard-coded external CSS in its tpl.php file and you wish define local theme styles in the file, so sub-themes can use them.

The module provides hooks that allow you to define additional theme groups and you are able to put CSS files into those groups via hook_css_alter().

For each defined group, a $styles_group template variable will be created.

The module also provides a render array called $css_splitter, which can be used with hide(), show() and render() for individual elements.

This module works fine with CSS aggregation (you get one aggregated file per CSS group) and with a preprocessor such as Sassy.

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