This module provides a taxonomy of the countries (Countries information) which contains information like ISO2 code, ISO3 code, name, official name, numcode.

List of countries in "Countries information" taxonomy.

List of countries in "Countries information" taxonomy.

Drupal 8.x & 9.x

Drupal 8.x || 9.x

1. Place countries_info module into your modules directory.
This is normally the "modules" directory.

2. Go to admin/modules. Enable modules.
The Countries info module is found in the Taxonomy section.


1. This module covers the countries standard name, official name, ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes, ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code, UN numeric code (ISO 3166-1 numeric-3) and continent (Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, NorthAmerica, Oceania, South America).

For example, Taiwan has the following values:

* Name - Taiwan
* Official name - Taiwan, Republic of China
* ISO alpha-2 - TW
* ISO alpha-3 - TWN
* ISO numeric-3 - 158
* Continent - Asia
* Published - Yes

The official names were originally taken from WikiPedia [2] and the majority of
the continent information was imported from Country codes API project [3]. This
have been since standardized with the ISO 3166-1 standard.

2. This is taxonomy based so user can use this taxonomy as a entity reference with any content type which can utilize in serach, facet filter etc.

3. User can enable or disable any countries from the 'Countries information' taxonomy term list.

---------- - This module does not have information like ISO3 code, name, official name, numcode and continent.


Current maintainers:
* Dhaval Panara (dhaval_panara) -


Supporting organizations: 

Project information
