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Commerce Recipient allows users at checkout to add a separate shipping address for each line item on their order. This is made for sites that sell gifts that can be shipped elsewhere, like gift baskets and flowers.

With a regular order, the shipping address can be different from the billing address, but that is for the whole order. What if each item needed its own address? Going further, what if each item needed its own gift message? Or some other bit of unique information?

Recipients are full fieldable entities, so when a customer want to add one to a line item, it will automatically load any field that you have attached. This allows for some great flexibility in its use. Out of the box, the recipient entity has an addressfield attached to it.

It utilizes Views Megarow to load the recipient creation form via AJAX during the checkout process.


How it Works

  • Upon installation, an entity reference field is added to every product line item type that has been defined upon. This will point to an optional recipient entity.
  • A checkbox is added to the Product Type edit form. This will allow you to select only certain product types that can have individual recipients.
  • A new checkout page and pane is added. The pane embeds the Views Megarow table of the current order's line items. By default, the current Billing Address will be shown as the recipient for the line item. An "Edit Recipient" link will also be shown.

To Do

  • Add an administrative UI. Right now, the only way to view recipients is through their associated line item. Also, the only way to add fields to the recipient entity is with a custom module.
  • Add out of the box order view that takes into account line item recipients. Right now, it is 100% up to you on how you want to show this on the administrative side of things, and there are no defaults offered. However, you can pull in the recipient information by adding a relationship to any Line Item view.
  • If Commerce Shipping is enabled, allow the admin to set the shipping address to be shown as the default line item recipient rather than just the billing address.

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