Provides enhanced developer information for Commerce and other modules.

Currently, this captures a stack trace in the log when there's a fatal error. This feature should be in core, see #1158322: Add backtrace to all errors. It should also probably land in devel. But for now it has a home here, and can be used to debug Commerce fatal errors, especially EntityMetadataWrapperExceptions and the like.

You may want to use the Fatal module for testing this.

As of 7.x-1.0-beta5, if the Commerce's Customer UI or Order UI modules are enabled devel tabs will be added to those entities. Commerce Devel Generate will now generate orders thanks to Summer of Coder cvangysel.

As of 7.x-1.0-beta4, there is also a "Commerce Devel Generate" submodule which will generate random products for you.

See pcambra's excellent screencast.

Project information
