An color field, with switchable jQuery-powered colorpicker.
This module brings to your Drupal site a new field type to use colors in your contents, views...

When you will install this module you will be able to use one of the two widgets:

  • Color code: Specify a hexadecimal value and use or not a color picker. By default you can use farbtastic shipped with core or you can use Minicolors if you enable jquery update with a version of jQuery >= 1.7.1. Minicolors is in a submodule to let you see how to use a new colorpicker.
  • Red Green and Blue textfields: Fill three input fields one for Red, one for Green and the other one for Blue.

The module also exposes 3 formatters:

  • Displaying the raw RGB value (may be useful for views integration).
  • Displaying a color swatch, the size of the swatch is configurable.
  • Displaying a colored message (eg: Illustrate the color filled by the user).

Project information
