CL Components Logo

Scaffold your Single Directory Components.

Use the CLI to give you a starting point for your component. This includes:

  • The my-thing.component.yml file.
  • The
  • The thumbnail.png
  • The component's Twig templates, including the ones for variants
  • The JS file.
  • The CSS file.

The most significant part is the generation of metadata.json, which contains critical metadata information.

See it in action (1m 26s):

Video Screenshot


drush pm:enable --yes cl_generator
drush generate theme:sdc:component

Then answer the questions in the prompt. Done.

What version should I use?

Select the version of this module based on the component solution that you are using.

IMPORTANT: You don't need this module if your project runs Drush 12 or later. It is included in Drush 12+.

CL Components SDC SDC from core
Use 1.x Use 2.x Use 2.x
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Development and maintenance

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