This module is a collection of blocks with embedded forms, the forms hold tools to calculated specific factors required by home brewers.

The intention is to allow people who develop sites based around home brewing to be able to place these blocks on pages that are relevant to their usage.

Currently the blocks available are:

Calculate strike temperature:
This is used to work out the temperature that water should be placed in the mash tun in order to get the correct mash temp. based on the temp. of the grains and adjutants used.

Calculate final ABV
This takes the starting and final gravities and works out the estimated alcohol ABV.

Hop Utilisation
This looks at the wort gravity the time it is boiled for and gives the utilisation factor of the hops as a percentage.

Temperature conversion
For converting between Celsius and Fahrenheit and vice versa. (not in v8)

Plato / Gravity conversion
For converting between Plato and Gravity and vice versa.

I will be adding more blocks as time progresses, suggestions welcome.

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temperature module

Project information

  • caution No further development
    No longer developed by its maintainers.
  • Created by darrenwh on , updated
  • shieldStable releases for this project are covered by the security advisory policy.
    Look for the shield icon below.
