Drupal 8 - Breadcrumb Manager Configurations
Drupal 7 - Breadcrumb Manager Configurations


This module resolves an endemic problem of Drupal, the breadcrumb management, in the simplest way you can imagine: without doing anything! (hehe.. it's a kind of magic)
Breadcrumb manager automatically recognizes the correct breadcrumb based on the URLs of the pages and the items included in the menu.

Drupal 8

Breadcrumb Manager uses Breadcrumb Title Resolvers, which are a new kind of Annotation Plugins.
Via the administration panel you'll be able to customize the title resolvers priority and to eventually enable/disable them.
Breadcrumb Title Resolvers
If you're not satisfied on how Breadcrumb Manager resolves url segments titles, you can define your own resolver with your left hand while drinking your cup of coffee with your right hand (cups of coffee are not shipped with the module though).

Breadcrumb Manager - Context

Breadcrumb Manager includes a submodule called "Breadcrumb Manager - Context" which defines a Context Reaction used by a specific Breadcrumb Title Resolver (have I said Breadcrumb Title Resolver?).

Still reading? What are you waiting for? Download the module by using composer and your Drupal instance will be grateful to you (he can't wait for it, he told us! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯).

Drupal 7

Breadcrumb altering is allowed via new hook_breadcrumb_alter.
Optionally it also ensures the persistence of active trail and the "override" of the page title.


How to use it

  1. Enable breadcrumb_manager module
  2. Manage configuration from "admin/structure/breadcrumb_manager"
  3. Enjoy it!

Brought to you by

This module is created and maintained by bmeme, the italian Drupal Factory.

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Development and Maintenance

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