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The Block Breakpoint module makes it possible select one or more breakpoints that will apply as a block condition.

On the rendering of the page an inline script will remove the block, if the selected
breakpoint media query does not match the current browser window dimensions. The
Javascript MutationObserver ensures, that this also apply on all dynamically added
elements, like AJAX or BigPipe.


Install the Block Breakpoint module as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. Visit for further information.


  1. Open the block configuration for your designated block.
  2. Check the checkbox "Enable Block Breakpoint"
  3. Select a breakpoint group (usually your Frontend theme)
  4. Select the breakpoint for which the block should be shown.
  5. Save the block.

Use case: External scripts like advertisement

Usually you can achieve conditional display of blocks simply with hiding or showing them by CSS. For external scripts like having an embed script for displaying mobile and desktop ads and using CSS for the visibility will lead to wrong impression statistics. The mobile banner script might be even loaded, when it is rendered on desktop and so doubling the impressions in your ad system.

With the inline script and MutationObserver you ensure, that a block, that does not meet the breakpoint's media query will never be processed further and the DOM and never drawn by the browser.
So you will only see the desktop banner impressions in your statistics.

You have another use-case. Share it with the community and let us know how you're using the module.

Layout Builder Support

Layout Builder components (at the time of writing) do not support third party settings, which this module is based on. You can use the patch of of this issue. This will make the module work with Layout Builder components.

IE Support

The inline script handling is not working for Internet Explorer <= 11. You will need
to add polyfill for document.currentScript support or implement a different
logic. The block will be removed also in older Internet Explorer, but external
contents might have been loaded before the removal.

Manual usage

You can also use the feature completely independent from the Block UI in your Twig files. Simply attach the block_breakpoint library and wrap your conditional content with the block_breakpoint classes.

{{ attach_library('block_breakpoint/block_breakpoint') }}
<div class="block-breakpoint" data-block-breakpoint-media-query="(max-width: 600px)">
  {% include '@block_breakpoint/block-breakpoint-inline-match.html.twig' %}
 <p>My conditional content, that should only show on mobile.</p>


Supporting organizations: 
Initial development and maintenance

Project information
