bitcache 6.x-1.0-beta2

New features
Bug fixes

A second beta release for Drupal 6.x, and a highly recommended upgrade for users of all previous releases.

Changes since 6.x-1.0-beta1 (executive summary):

  • There are important database changes. You must run update.php after upgrading to this release. In addition, you should also re-save the module's configuration (at admin/settings/bitcache).
  • Alternate Bitcache repository backends (known as storage adapters) are now available, with MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and GDBM databases supported in this release and Amazon S3 support in the works.
  • The default repository created when Bitcache is first installed is now database-backed instead of file-system-backed. This should alleviate support overhead due to file system issues. For users upgrading from previous releases, the former file-system-backed default repository becomes editable and may be deleted in case it is not needed.
  • Developers of dependent projects, such as File Framework, should take note that there have been many API changes (detailed in the CVS changelog). In many cases you can simplify your code, but in some cases your previous code may break if you had relied on the previously-valid assumption that repositories were file-system-backed.
  • Numerous minor, and some major, bugs have been fixed, and usability and documentation improved overall.
  • You can now set the order in which bitstream lookup proceeds through your configured repositories, as the rows on the repository management screen are now draggable in the same way as on many other Drupal administration screens.
  • You can now manage bitstreams by repository, by clicking on the repository's title on the repository management screen.
  • You can now prevent (overall, and based on user role) access to the bitstream index while still permitting access to individual bitstreams. This is particularly useful for large-scale Bitcache installations (containing hundreds of thousands of objects or more) where the index was becoming a performance problem.

bitcache 6.x-1.0-beta1

New features
Bug fixes

First beta release for Drupal 6.x.

Changes since 6.x-1.0-alpha3:

  • #341654: "Unsupported operand" error on installing Bitcache: Renamed bitcache_link() to bitcache_l() to prevent conflict with hook_link().
  • Implemented a 'contents' options for bitcache_delete_repository().
  • Refactored unit tests for Simpletest 2.x compatibility.
  • #365077: Timeout fetching bitstream from URL Prevent timeouts when manually importing a bitstream from a URL.
  • Fixed the recommended installation path in README.txt.
  • Added a note about the Bitcache command-line tools to INSTALL.txt.
  • Implemented a new setting for configuring the path to the Bitcache command-line tools.
  • Renamed the previous 'synchronization' setting to 'cron script'.
  • Implemented the new API functions bitcache_sync(), bitcache_exec(), bitcache_yaml(), and bitcache_tmpname().

bitcache 6.x-1.0-alpha3

New features
Bug fixes

Third development snapshot for Drupal 6.x.

Changes since 6.x-1.0-alpha2:

  • Improved repository creation screen and help text.
  • Implemented a new API function bitcache_uri_to_id().
  • Improved Bitcache_Stream::mime_type() for better MIME type detection robustness.
  • #279239: Download/view links don't work by memfis: Implemented support for HTTP requests using non-clean URLs in the HTTP endpoint.
  • Always use bitcache_resolve_id() to construct bitstream URLs in order to consistently support non-clean URLs.
  • Implemented a new API function bitcache_get_modules().
  • Expanded the bitcache_get_modules() API function to support 'info' and 'titles' operations in addition to returning module names.
  • Implemented a table on the configuration screen displaying the currently installed modules supporting the Bitcache API.
  • Implemented target repository selection on the upload/fetch administration screens.
  • #336715: Amazon S3 storage adapter: Implemented a new API function bitcache_link(), enabling better opportunities for encapsulating the storage location for e.g. Amazon S3 backends.
  • Fixed an error in bitcache_get_modules() when no modules implementing the Bitcache API are installed.
  • #338506: Caching of image resources?: Implemented more useful Cache-Control headers to override the Drupal default headers and allow bitstreams to be cached by private caches.
  • #282164: Multi-tier repository structure by sonnen: Implemented support for multi-tier directory storage structures.
  • Fixed disk utilization totals calculation in Bitcache_FilesystemRepository::size().

Known issues:

Note: This is experimental software meant for advanced users; assume nothing works, and you may be pleasantly surprised. And when it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.

bitcache 6.x-1.0-alpha2

Bug fixes

Second development snapshot for Drupal 6.x.

Note: This is experimental software meant for advanced users; assume nothing works, and you may be pleasantly surprised. And when it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.

bitcache 6.x-1.0-alpha1

First development snapshot for Drupal 6.x.

Note: This is experimental software meant for advanced users; assume nothing works, and you may be pleasantly surprised. And when it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.

bitcache 6.x-1.x-dev

Nightly development snapshot for Drupal 6.x.

Note: This is experimental software meant for advanced users; assume nothing works, and you may be pleasantly surprised. And when it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.

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