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Want to highlight text, clip a video, or select a section of an image? This module is CCK nodereference on steroids. Annotation Field references not just a node, but a specific revision, field, and intra-field information (like a portion of text).

AnnotationField, itself, is the framework for Annotator field modules to annotate specific field types. Included in this module are three sub-modules:

  • /videoannotation (currently clips youtube videos with the emfield module)
  • /imageannotation (currently allows box selection of images from the image module)
  • /textannotation (currently works on the Body field of a node and CCK text fields)

This is still in development and unstable, but feedback and use cases are welcome. Check out the demo site, to see what's currently doable.


  • better UI
  • Panels view for annotation list on an asset
  • Panels view for opening an annotation ajax-style
  • embeddable annotations in wysiwyg
  • support multiple annotations
  • support annotations on multi-item fields
  • tons more

This work is sponsored by the Columbia University Center for New Media Teaching and Learning (CCNMTL)

Text annotation currently uses code from the Marginalia project

Project information
